Longer days, more park time With the time change mid-March, daylight hours are extended and that means more time to spend in the park! If you capture a great photo of the beauty you find in the park, please send it to info@memparkjax.org and we’ll share it here and/or on social media.
Update on the Balustrade Project We’re pleased to share that work has begun on the balustrade in the park! The project is being managed by the City of Jacksonville. The contractor, Intron Technologies, is in the process of installing the balusters. This portion of the project is estimated to be completed by summer.
(Photo by Mark Krancer for Memorial Park Association)
(Photo by Mark Krancer for Memorial Park Association) Pleased to announce…
Memorial Park was voted the Best Park in Jacksonville, as noted in Folio magazine’s January issue. Thank you for sharing the love!
Additionally, Memorial Park Association received the Riverside Avondale Preservation 2021 award for Landscape Design for the restoration of the park’s landscaping beds. “These landscape restorations are sensitive and preserve the main components of the original 1922 plan by the Olmsted Brothers,” according to RAP. “These components include the open space, the key vistas, and the strong focus
on the memorial sculpture. The goal of the project was to reflect the original intent of the design while diversifying plantings for seasonal interest and keeping ease of maintenance in mind. The jury appreciated the careful detailing and the academic rigor of the restoration ensuring that Memorial Park will remain one of the most beautiful places in the city for generations to come.”
Memorial Park Pick-it-Up Party! Saturday, April 24 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Volunteers are needed to assist with applying pine straw where needed, picking up litter, pulling weeds and tidying the garden house. No need to bring any equipment. We will work in small groups and encourage social distancing. RSVP to volunteer@memparkjax.org. Rain Date: May 1
The Pink Castle, formerly known as Homwold, at 16 May Street in St. Augustine.
The Mysteries of the Pink Castle Lecture, Tour, Concert, and Book Signing This unique event provides an opportunity to personally experience one of St. Augustine’s architectural treasures. In a city filled with conspicuous landmark buildings, the “Pink Castle” is one of the most distinctive and eccentric. The owner has graciously agreed to allow Memorial Park Association and the Jacksonville Historical Society to host a lecture, balcony concert, tour, and book signing on Saturday, May 1, 1-2:30 p.m. or 3-4:30 p.m. Dr. Wayne Wood, Historian at Large at the Jacksonville Historical Society, will give a presentation about Pillars’ time here at Homwold, followed by a tour of the home and garden. Tickets are $30; seating limited to 35 per program. Click here to purchase a ticket for the 1 p.m. program. Click here to purchase a ticket for the 3 p.m. program. Proceeds to benefit Memorial Park Association and the Jacksonville Historical Society.
Baluster Sale! Saturday, May 15, 9 a.m. to noon
Pieces of Memorial Park’s 600-foot-long balustrade salvaged after Hurricane Irma are still available. We are hosting a FINAL showing of available pieces — large, small and in-between (location to be disclosed closer to the date). Email info@memparkjax.org with any questions. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Memorial Park Association and will be used for park maintenance. Wondering what to do with your baluster? Here are some great ideas! Share your ideas with us; send your photo to info@memparkjax.org.
Memorial Park on Tour Memorial Park is one of the many sites on the RAP Garden Tour. Tours of the park will be given at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tours will focus on the histories of Olmsted, Pillars and Life, and the restoration currently underway. We will also have copies of “LIFE: The Untold Story of Charles Adrian Pillars” on sale. Purchase your tickets at Riverside Avondale Preservation on the day of the tour. See you there!
Looking for something to read this summer? Looking for something to read this summer?Purchase the newest book by Wayne Wood, author and historian, about the man behind the sculpture. “LIFE: The Untold Story of Charles Adrian Pillars” is a great read, and a work of art worthy of any coffee table display. More than 10 years in the undertaking, the 432-page volume has more than 200 photos and sells for $49.95 plus tax. (Published by the Jacksonville Historical Society) Books will be on sale at the RAP Garden Tour May 8 (see details above). Or, purchase online; sales through this link will result in proceeds for Memorial Park Association: Order here ››
What’s in bloom?
Azaleas at the Garden House
Thank the park sponsors We are so thankful for our Adopt the Park Sponsors! When you visit the following businesses, be sure to thank them for sponsoring Memorial Park by providing dog stations and supporting our clean-up efforts. C.A. Pillars Society Sponsor: Haskell Promenade Level Sponsors: Cool Moose Café, Duval Motor Company, Riverside Liquors, VyStar Credit Union Mr. Dawson Society Sponsors: BDO, Black Sheep Restaurant Group, Harbinger Signs, SaniGLAZE Esplanade Level Sponsors: River & Post, The UPS Store, Wingard
Volunteer with MPA! Are you interested in volunteering? Email volunteer@memparkjax.org to let us know you are interested and we will be in touch with you regarding opportunities. Support Memorial Park Association Memorial Park Association’s mission is to preserve, enhance and promote Memorial Park as the premier historic city park in Jacksonville. Your donations allow MPA to keep the park beautiful and to continue to preserve everything that you enjoy. Donations fund special projects and supplement maintenance and operation costs that are not covered by the City. Donate here ››
Contact Information Memorial Park Association