Florida Fallen Stories

Photo courtesy of Mark Krancer

Louis Franklin Vaughan

Ship’s Writer. Son of John Franklin Vaughan (1874-1931) and Ellen Mobbs (1882-1957), one of seven children. Vaughan’s father served for nearly forty years as superintendent of the Peninsular Telephone Company in Tampa. Born January 24, 1899, Louis attended Hillsborough High School before he enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard at Tampa, April 9, 1917, giving his home address as 102 Euclid Avenue, Tampa. The USCGC Vaughan (sub-chaser 152) was named after him in 1920. (USGC Service Card; Veterans Administration Master Index; Burial Case File)





Louis Franklin Vaughan was on board the USCGC Tampa. To read about the Tampa, please click here.